Waterfalls Longevity Center



Longevity • Health • Vitality

Waterfalls Longevity Center is a facility created to improve overall health using traditional and alternative medicine.

We believe that if we give the body proper tools, nutrients, and support, it will heal itself.

like it was always meant to be.


Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy consists of the intravenous administration of an amino acid that binds to toxic metals removing them from our bodies through the natural process of urination



IV Infusion Therapies

Waterfalls Longevity Center provides a number of different IV Therapies, specifically targeted at supporting and boosting your immune system, and providing your body with the right combination of nutrients for its specific needs.


Medical Services


Aesthetic Services

Waterfalls Longevity Center offer a number of Aesthetic Services, such as Radio-frequency for the removal of moles, skin tags, and other skin lesions, and Laser Treatment for skin rejuvenation.

Available at Waterfalls Longevity Center


TA-65 for skin

TA-65 for Skin provides benefits at the cellular level by helping maintain or rebuild telomeres. It improves complexion with the cumulative benefits of cellular nourishment, color balance and free radical detoxification. It provides cosmetic benefits in all layers of the skin.


TA-65 capsules

TA-65 is a patented, all natural, plant-based compound that deliver benefits at the cellular level by helping maintain or rebuild telomeres. Telomeres gradually shorten with age and the TA-65 compound can potentially support the slowing down of this process.


neo40 professional

Neo40 Professional is a breakthrough, clinical strength, patented formula available exclusively through physicians and developed to help the body increase Nitric Oxide to a healthy level.


products & supplements

Our high-quality multivitamins, minerals and supplements support optimal intake of essential nutrients in highly bioavailable forms and nutritionally meaningful amounts to support overall improved wellness.


lab testing

Waterfalls Longevity Center offers a variety of lab tests in collaboration with leading clinical laboratories, including: telomere testing, hormone balance testing, toxic metal testing and micronutrient testing.


medical thermography

Thermography is thermal imaging, also known as medical infrared imaging, or digital infrared thermal imaging. It is a physiological test that focuses on physiological changes, or function.


Need More Info?

If you are interested in more information about any of the amazing services provided by Waterfalls Longevity Center, please complete and submit our request form, or contact us directly.

Thank you!